Buying Secrets
Buying Secrets
For every successful real estate investor, there are dozens of folks who were too fearful and uncertain to ever do a single deal. In my presentations on buying property, I reveal various ways for “would-be investors,” and those with some experience already, to buy – without fear.
Some of these methods will surprise you, but I have found them to be the best ways to buy a property, and it took me years of trial and error to get here.
What’s My Secret?
For starters, I’ve never gone the traditional way of funding. I learned at the tender age of 18 that there was a different way I could buy a property. I will show your members how to avoid the pain, suffering, expense, confusion, suspense, and delay of working with a bank or a traditional lender.
When people see that this approach works regardless of the market changes, and irrespective of whether interest rates are low or high, it diminishes their fear. Then, armed with the right things to say and the know-how to structure the transaction, they gain the courage to take action.
I show your members that to buy property:
- It doesn’t matter what kind of credit rating you have.
- It doesn’t matter what kind of background you have.
- It doesn’t matter what kind of experience you have.
- It doesn’t matter if you graduated college.
- It doesn’t matter if you graduated high school.
- It doesn’t matter if you’ve been divorced.
- It doesn’t matter if you’ve been bankrupt.
- It doesn’t matter if you are young or old.
What I show them will ensure that none of these things matters. All they need to do is copy my unique strategy to finance their properties.
When people join your REIA, they expect to find guidance, mentorship, networking, education, and more. There is no success in real estate investing without a purchase being made first, right?
I have several “BUYING SECRETS” presentations that reveal the easiest way for your members to get started as it was for me. So reach out to me today. Let’s chat about how I can create a win-win for you and your members.
– Jan 01, 1970