Selling Secrets

Selling Secrets

  • September 5, 2020
  • 0

A system for selling property is no less important than a system for buying property. An overall system is a secret to true success as a real estate investor and helps to creates wealth. Investors need to see far beyond just the “real estate agent and selling for cash” strategies.

What Are My Selling Secrets?

I teach investors to filter every deal through several steps to determine what marketing approach is best. Here’s an example of my process.

1. Does it need repairs?

a. Sell on Work for Equity™—the buyer does the repairs
b. Work with a contractor to do the repairs

2. Sell for Cash

a. Market through Realtor®
b. Market yourself using the Marketing Selling/Renting Checklist™

3. Sell While Renting

a. Market using my “Rent to Own” program for selling with an option to buy

4. Sell with Owner Financing

a. Market using our “Owner Financing” program for selling with you acting as the bank

5. Sell While Renting with back-up Owner Financing when the buyer has enough cash to qualify

a. Market as Rent To Own with back-up Owner Financing when the buyer has enough cash to convert to the owner financing program

6. Straight rental

7. Auction off any of the above

8. Convert to a long term “special needs” rental program

a. Find long term tenants through caseworkers who need housing and receive guaranteed rent while they are there.
b. Rent by the room and double to triple your cash flow.

When investors see that they have many more ways to exit than just selling the traditional way, they feel a tremendous enthusiasm level.

Of course, which one of the eight strategies an investor decides to use depends on the market and how the deal was originally structured, all of which I cover in my presentations.
So reach out to me today, let’s chat about how I can create a win-win for you and your members.